Saturday, November 17, 2012

One who came Home
Indeed, our November Esbat saw one of our neophytes take her initiation into the Coven of Aradia. It was a marvelous circle and we all do love her dearly.
Stir thy cauldron well and let your magick flow. Do What Thou Will be your rule and guide. Blessed Be...

Samhain 2012

We had a blast! A wonderful outdoor circle. The weather was perfect and everyone had such a good time. Our thanks again to Lady B and her husband for being perfect hosts and letting us stay the night after all the umm festivities, lol...
If ya missed the Lady J "Buddha pose" ya missed out on a riot, lol. 

We are looking forward to having Ostara out at their place, they do have the most awesome place for outdoor rituals...