Thursday, April 30, 2015

Edinburgh Beltane Fire Festival 2015

Now this is my kinda Beltane festival!!!
O but we Americans still have far too much Puritanism in our blood. Give me laughter and riotous wickedness any day over the dull bore that has become American paganism. O but you are so lost little girl...

Wonderful Video Below

Alex Sanders Remembered

6/6/26 - 4/30/88

I have always thought how perfect it was that Alex should have passed over during the traditional start of Beltane. While many wiccans have various opinions of the king of the witches, mine are mostly good. I first heard of Alex Sanders way back in 1986, witch was when I first watched the movie, The Occult Experience, on the old VCR tape rentals (hot damn doncha just miss them rewind and fast forward days, lol). Living in south Georgia then, there were no bookstores or internet or nothing, but then this movie came out and I saw for the first time what I had dreamed about as a is hard to put into words for me to describe all this. God I must have watched that movie 20 times back then, I knew there was more...had to be...

Over the years, I have managed to collect several of his books and books about him, written during that era. He had charisma and a beautiful wife, Miss Maxine, and the media loved them...

Alex came right after Gerald died, it was if a new "King" was crowned, Alex did further the religion if not by sheer will alone.

You are remembered and thanked, blessed be...

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Arbor Day

Its traditional to plant a tree on Arbor Day, but I have no room left for trees, but I do have plenty still to plant, regardless of this dreary weather were having again today. O well, tomorrow it brightens up and looking like a wonderful weekend for Beltane.
I rather like this wiccan tree of life pic used above, mmm be fruitful and multiply..hehe

May Day no Wet Day

 O Wow, if the weather holds out this May Day, it appears that it may not rain for Beltane. It has seemed that for the last few years at least, rain has been the case or plain ol fowl weather.
 We have been fortunate this April in that rain has been abundant, may those May flowers come. The ol Gods bless us in their own way if we only pause to look and see...
 I finally picked up a copy of Witches and Pagans magazine at a books a million store and enjoyed it, we plan on getting a subscription and encourage all to do so as well. I had also seen and read several reviews on the Halloween Oracle and purchased a deck for meself. The reviews were all good and I can see why, the artwork is witchy with that hallween feel to it. I haven't had a lot of time to play with them as yet, still catching up on all my reading.
 With Beltane approaching, let love pour forth from your life and your magick, honor the gods and each other. Let fertility reign in your witchcraft. Remember the old times, yet create within yourself new ways for your path and practice. If your always looking back at what was before, you might just trip over that rock ahead of you and stumble to the ground.
Its Beltane, and I am the Bull God...Brightest Blessings All

Monday, April 20, 2015

One of my turns

"if your circle stays unbroken,
then your a lucky man
cause it never never never has for me,
in the palace of the virgin,
lies the chalice of the soul,
and it's likely you might find the answer there..."

Monday, April 13, 2015

Wiccan Magick versus...

What exactly is wiccan magick, natural magick, witchcraft, as opposed to the many other forms out there? We wiccans get accused of new age crap, and for some this is true, but is our magick any less effective than the others? Intent and projection are the keys, and love imo. Why should we repeat words we cant even pronounce most of the time nor know its meaning in some tricked out ceremony that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. I have never understood the whole angelic/demon casting bit. Do humans actually think they can call forth any spirtual entity, lol? Really?

I have never fallen for the ceremonial/enochian or any other forms, they make no sense. We don't have to do all that "crap" just to perform magick. Alchemy, lol, yeah don't even get me started, lol. Even John Dee got made a cuckolded fool with that lie. Magick comes from the heart, and an evil selfish heart calls forth bad magick, their lives mirror their art, they are to be avoided at all cost lest your own lives become sucked up into their evil, like a plague of stupidity.

There are many forms of natural magick, don't fall into the thinking that it should look like something out of a damn movie or fantasy book. We are not some satanist self-centered shit calling forth some demon or whatever they do. Love should guide our ways, the power arises from it. Yes we have our curses and banishments, we don't live in some fairy pop-sickle world, but witchcraft is about natural, earthy, crafty ways of practice, much like the wiccan religion itself.

Think about this, of all the famous "high" magicians that have been, were any successful? Did they not all die as broke, destitute, and lonely beings? I don't know of any that don't fit this bill. If that form of magick is sooo powerful, then why does it leave its followers as such. There is a price to pay, stay away, that magick is tainted...

Call natural magick a simplistic form of magick if you want, i call it cutting out the meaningless bullshit. Craft your magick to your desire and project its intent...and believe. It's that simple folks. Cast your magick circle in perfect love and perfect trust and ask the gods blessings in your witchcraft, try and follow the charge of the goddess in all you the circle round fair child...

Good Advice for us All...

Beltane Thoughts

Beltane is upon us soon, once more the veil between the worlds spread thin as in Samhain, we light the bonfires, jump the burning embers, cast our witchy magick and thrill in the erotic sacred sex. The union of god and goddess which brings forth the promised child at yuletime. We all have our own beliefs and ways in celebrating may day, Walpurgisnacht, and maybe we all should remember what i feel is an essential part of this bewitching One only has to look upon the world today and see the evil that exists, the damn hypocrisy and narcissism that rule everywhere. Our beltane sabbat will be about love, love of the gods for us, love for each other, and the hope for brighter days in a world gone completely bat-shit crazy.

I use to watch fox news, i just don't anymore, the media seems to thrive on evil and a public that seems addicted to the drug they sell. So few good stories, so little love displayed to the world. Our country is completely obsessed with our own lil lives and oblivious to the hurts or cares of their neighbor. Truly, where is the love?

Rambling, but i feel every female witch should realize that they are the may queen, they are the beauty of everything that is the goddess, everything that is love, the true power of the female witch lies in their femininity...don't look down woman, look up and extend your magick and your love, the gods will bless thee.

Beltane magick is about love, the beauty of the spring, regeneration of the earth, fertility of all. We as witches have plenty to do in the coming days before this most festive of sabbats, I pray fertility and love in your undertakings...blessed be.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Rocket Man Jack Parsons

So for about the past year now I have been researching Jack Parsons, the rocket man of occult fame. These are a few of the books I have been using over the past year. The man fascinates me, he was a student of Crowley, led an OTO group out in Califiornia, and yet also helped to found the JPL, jet propulsion lab, or jack parsons lab of NASA. He even has a crater on the moon named after him in his honor. And yet, lol, all the while performing serious magick along with rocket technology..
I will not go into his life story or tragic and mysterious death, etc etc. What interests me is his later work in witch he talks about a new witchcraft and forming the old covens, all this before Gardner wrote HMA in '49.

This is another book I have been reading witch discusses in great detail some of what I'm talking about. He was a good looking fellow for sure, kinda like the Tom Cruise of magick, lol He was brilliant and his own writings are magick enough of itself. I have read somewhere that he and Gardner corresponded but I have found no proven record of this. Ideas mingle together and form even more new ideas. Parsons saw Babylon as the arrival of the Goddess back to earth. I recommend his work, its been a very interesting study and I have opened my own witchcraft to new ideas because of the rocket man...

"and i think its gonna be a long long time,
till touch down brings me around again to find,
i'm not the man they think i am at home,
o no no no
i'm a rocket man,
rocket man, burning out his fuse up here alone..."