Wednesday, January 28, 2015

What Pagan Leaders???

You know I use to read the wild hunts website because it contained updated pagan news, yet for some time all I hear and read is once again these stupid "witch wars" or the failure of these so-called pagan leaders we have today...Bullshit I say, bullshit to even call most of them leaders in any sense of the word. Most of there books I wouldn't dare recommend nor read, most are just full of their liberal mumbo-jumbo...yea I said it, liberal.
The failure is book publishers or popular pagan websites, camps, pagan pride groups or festivals that even host these people and there ego's. When I read of where some of these more popular pagan groups issued support for that crap in Missouri where a thug attacked a cop and got his thug ass killed made me sick! These people are not my leaders in any damn way. Jesus, and it seems its only with these stupid American hardly ever hear of trouble across the pond, my god how lucky they are...
To me, the people I truly look up too and follow are mostly now dead. Gardner, Valiente, S Farrar, E.C. Reed, and a few others. Thankfully, Ms. Crowther is still with us. These were witches who meant and stood up for something! Pagans who didnt worry about liberal social american issues...
They want to be taken seriously but look like a damn drag queen or some Halloween freak show and expect people to take them for real? Yeah ok...I think i will take my Doreen Valiente or Janet Farrar over this new crop of fluff any day of the week.
They are not leaders nor elders, just jokes and I dont follow nor support there crap. We have simply fallen too far from traditional or should I say original teachings.
Do What Thou Will, just don't call it Wicca anymore, too many have shamed it enough already...
I, for one, will remain within myself, alone...

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