Sunday, September 27, 2015

There's a bad moon on the rise

I took this pic just before dark last night. She was beautiful and rising. The firepit was lit, and the lanterns were aglow in the shade garden and were waiting on Georgia Southern football on a Saturday night, hell yeah!
O but soon enough, clouds came out of knowwhere and the moon disappeared behind some misty looking cloud formations with slight peaks of light every so often. Then she went away and it started misting, so we moved everything inside the shade tent. Then it started down and outright raining so hard and it was bouncing off the roof of the tent so loud that you could not even hear the radio broadcasting my Ga. Southern game.
But, we had the inside all lit up nicely, the walls of the shade tent kept the rain off so we decided to just stay outside and enjoy the rain as it poured all around us. Just like kids I reckon, but isn't it fun when grown-ups do just that every so often? It was for us anyway.
So this morning it is overcast and more rain on the way. Our much awaited lunar eclipse is tonight after 10PM and by golly if it wants to rain again well we will just have us a lil circle inside the tent. I hope not because i so want to see her in her full light. We need the rain so I ain't complaining, just have to improvise...not like its the first time the weather has crapped witchy plans for a circle.
Brightest full moon blessings all...

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